Lakoff, George. "The Body Politic"

The metaphor of the Nation as Family is part of the conceptual systems of both liberals and conservatives.
■Liveral categories of moral action■①Empathetic behavior and promoting fairness. ②Helping those who cannot help themselves. ③Protecting those who cannot protect themselves. ④Promoting fulfillment in life. ⑤Nurturing and strengtehning oneself in order to do the above.
■Consrvative categories of moral action■①Promoting Strict Father morality in general. ②Promoting self-dicipline, responsibility, and self-reliance. ③(a)Preventing interference with the pursuit of self-interest by self-diciplined, self-reliant people. (b)Promoting punishment as a means of upholding authority. (c)Ensuring punishment for lack of self-discipline. ④Protecting moral people from external evils. ⑤Upholding the Moral Order.
●じゃあ、Government as parentsとか、Nation as family以外の、メタファーとは関係を持たない政府のコンセプトはないのか?⇒①政府は軍とか司法を保持してるから、これにたとえられることがある。②最近多いのが、Government as Business metaphorってやつ。この観点からすると、政府ってのはただサービスを提供するだけで、効率的に行えない事業があるならそんなのはやめちまえということになる。また、この視点にはMoralityというのは一切関係がない。⇒⇒⇒けど、現実問題として、Moralが絡む政策というのがどうしても出てくる。(例:環境問題対策)
★結論★ Policy debates are not matters of rational discussion on the basis of literal and objective categories.なんです。つまり、政策に関する議論とかって、実はmeands-endsとか、cost-benefit analysisとかの話ではないのよ。結局のところは、The role of morality and the family is inescapable.なわけ。